Linux (week 13)

 There is a large variety of different Linux distros so I have decided to find and write about 2 of them that iI found the most interesting. 

1) Linux From Scratch

Linux From Scratch is a type of Linux installation (as well as the name of accompanying book) that gives users instructions on how to build Linux system from source. This is naturally a longer process than installing a pre-compiled Linux distro however it is stated that this way the system is going to be more compact, flexible and secure and user that went through the process will have greater understanding of what happens under the hood. This project has grown quite a bit since the beginning and has spawned a couple other books, that are more focused on different aspects. Hardened Linux From Scratch, for example, focuses on security enhancements, and Automated Linux From Scratch focuses on the aspect of automation. It is a well-documented (obviously) project that is actively developed and has helpful community of users. It was well received in the beginning and some even stated it should be a mandatory material for Linux training courses.

2)  CAELinux

CAELinux is designed for scientists and engineers and is full of specialized engineering tools. It is based on open-source CAD/CAM and CAE software so it covers full cycle of engineering and product development, from mathematical modelling to CAD prototyping by 3D printing and multiphysics simulations. It can also be used for PCB design and microcontroller programming. This project is relatively lightweight, well documented and has an endless list of tools. To me, the interesting part of this project is that it took something that is rather considered proprietary and paid like engineering software, and compiled enough of it to perform full product development cycle in one lightweight and free distro.


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